Fall 2014 POWTS Evaluator Certification Training Course

  • 17 Sep 2014
  • 18 Sep 2014
  • Flat Creek Inn & Suites, 10290 State Road 27 S Hayward, WI


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • Cost includes lunch both days.
  • Includes lunch both days.
  • Includes lunch both days.

Registration is closed
WOWRA POWTS Evaluator Certification Course

Two-day Training Course 

WOWRA has developed this two-day training course for onsite professionals to learn proper techniques for conducting evaluations of existing private onsite wastewater treatment systems. This innovative two-day training class, which concludes with a certification exam, will provide much-needed uniformity around the state for POWTS evaluations. The course will include both classroom instruction and field training. Please come prepared for outside conditions. Some of the topics covered during the course include: WOWRA Certified Existing POWTS Evaluator ethics, policies and requirements; evaluator/client relationship and responsibilities; evaluation procedures from data collection through final reports; and procedures for evaluating recent, documented POWTS, as well as the “unknown” POWTS. General POWTS knowledge and experience is necessary.

Click here to register by check.



© Wisconsin Onsite Water Recycling Association
PO Box 833, Germantown, WI 53022
phone: 888-782-6815 - fax: 888-287-4116 - email: info@wowra.com

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